Wednesday, June 9, 2010


今天,我的x 室友,赵秀雯,她要飞回马来西亚了,下午2pm的飞机,从上海飞回马来西亚,结束了他的一个月半的学生交换计划。可能是因为这个原因,今天整天都心不在焉,看了日历好多遍,数一数自己在台湾的日子还剩多少天,答案是18天,不多也不少。


还记得那一天下午(上上个学期)我们俩在学校的游泳池聊天,聊着聊着,就聊到要去参加student exchange program,就这样,花了大约5个月的时间筹备及准备,各自往各自的想去的国家去当交换学生。



Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Climb mountain+ ride motorcycle in Taiwan (Sii-Lay Elementary School)

Sunday night(6/6/2010), back from Kaohsiung trip, I followed Chin Fong back to her school, Sii-Lay Elementary School. I stayed 1 night at there (shared a bed with Chin Fong), what I felt was school surrounding was very quiet, only can hear insect sounds. Well, I slept early, because really tired.

The next morning, I woke up early at about 7am, we visited around the school, I saw all the student were busy clean-up their school area and classroom. I also saw they sorted the rubbish, this is what I appreciate Taiwanese. In Taiwan, all family will do rubbish sorting. All the students in this school are aboriginal, 泰雅族.

Today, they will do outdoor education, so all the student and teacher will go outing, climbing mountain. We departed at 8am, walked about 1hour, we arrived the 马里光waterfall, visited around there and took some photos.

After that we continue our journey, walk around I more hour, we arrived the destination, we all have a rest. A teacher let us tested aboriginal food, marinated raw pork, I really cannot accept, finally I throw it. Then they started their teaching. We visited vegetable farm and wild boar farm. We arrived at school at about 1pm.


                                                                marinated raw pork

After had lunch, I took a nap, then I follow Xiao Ma teacher went down mountain. First time, I ride motorcycle at Taiwan here, I fetched Xiao Ma teacher, after 2hours 30 minutes of mountain riding, we arrived my host family house.(In Malaysia, I never ride such long time) On the way, we spent about half an hour at 内湾,took a rest and had a tea break. I do not have international driving license, but still can ride motorcycle at Taiwan here, haha... Well, different experience in Taiwan... Left about 3 weeks time in Taiwan, enjoy it...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


一个周末又过了,星期日和一班马来西亚的朋友玩了半天,认识了三位新朋友,他们和我一样都是交换生,同时我也和我ukm的朋友见面。那天一大早就起床了,洗了澡, 收拾好,就麻烦阿姨送我去巴士站。10.30am 就到达台北车站,然后就和他们见面。台北车站很大,感觉很混乱,花了大约30mins,我们才见到面,因为我搞不清楚我当时在车站的哪一部份。
那也不错,和他们颠了半天,其实在我的游台湾计划里,没有猫空这个景点,也不知道那是什么地方,我只知道台北动物园在那而已。就这样,blur blur的跟他们一块儿去猫空游玩了半天,拍拍照,看看风景,聊聊天。

在师大夜市,吃了好久没吃的椰浆饭,味道还好罢了,还是Malaysia的nasi lemak 好吃。夜市附近,有一班life band(应该是学生)在表演,唱的歌还蛮好听,录了一小段。

星期一早上,睡到9am++才起床(因为昨晚聊天聊到3am++),中午和堂哥,他朋友吃完午餐 ,又继续我的旅行;中正纪念堂, 国父纪念馆,京华城和 龙山寺。

